The Articles proposed for publication in Procesos Urbanos must be unpublished and original, meeting the parameters for Research Product Articles established by Publindex, within the framework of one of the following types of Articles, namely:
Scientific and Technological Research Article: Document that presents, in detail, the original results of completed Research Projects. The generally used structure contains four important parts: Introduction, Methodology, Results and Conclusions.
Reflection Article: DDocument that presents Research Results, from an analytical, interpretive or critical perspective of the Author, on a specific topic, using original sources.
Review Article: Document Result of a completed Research where the results of published or unpublished research on a field of Science or Technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for progress and trends in development. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
The Peer Evaluation Process is developed in accordance with the Double Blind Evaluation System, as follows:
- Articles are received, through the OJS system, on the Journal page at the link: Articles are also received through the email of Editor of the Journal:
- The Articles, once received, are reviewed by the Editorial Team, to identify possible Conflicts of Interest in the Evaluation of the Articles, review the thematic relevance of the Journal, its originality through the TURNITIN software and make minor adjustments without compromising the content thereof, in order to ensure the Blind Review by the
- The Articles are sent to two (2) External Evaluators to the Institution of origin of the Article, in order to ensure Impartiality and Conflicts of Interest in the Evaluation.
- The Evaluators fill out an Evaluation Form, in accordance with quality criteria previously established by the Editorial Team, which they send to the Editorial Team within a maximum period of 15 days per Article.
- If the recommendations made in the Evaluation of the Blind Pair present contradictory positions or very marked differences, the Article is submitted to a Third Reviewer, to define an Editorial decision for publication.
- The Editorial Team prepares a Document with the aspects considered in the two evaluations of the Articles, and this is sent to the Authors for the pertinent adjustments to the Articles, which have a maximum of 15 days for their adjustment and corrections. .
- Finally, the Editorial Team makes the decision to accept or not the Article, according to the approach and Editorial Line established in common agreement with the Editorial Committee, taking into account the opinion of quality of the Articles, from the communication with the Scientific Committee of the Journal.
The evaluation criteria of the articles received, to be published in the Procesos Urbanos Journal, are the following:
FORMAL ASPECTS:: It presents an adequate use of written language; makes good use of graphic material to illustrate the Article; adequately reference the sources on which your work is based..
ETHICAL ASPECTS: The Author is respectful of Copyright, in relation to the information presented in the Article.
ARGUMENTATION: The work demonstrates a storyline and coherence in the way of presenting and defending the ideas raised.
UTILITY: The work constitutes a contribution to the knowledge of the discipline; it is useful and applicable in one or more areas, in the global or local context.
RESULTS: The results are presented in a coherent way, and are related to the entire text and the chosen title.
CONCLUSIONS: The conclusions are presented in a clear and precise way, they are well argued and are related to the hypotheses developed in the text.
After the review, the Concept of Evaluation is sent to the Author, which can be:
- PUBLISHABLE: Without a doubt, the Article can be published; there are no background corrections.
- PUBLISHABLE WITH MINOR ADJUSTMENTS: The Article should be reviewed, but does not represent substantive considerations.
- PUBLISHABLE WITH CORRECTIONS: The Article can be published, but making some corrections, to give more solidity to the work.
- NOT PUBLISHABLE: The Author can re-apply the Article, and start the Arbitration Process again, as long as the corresponding adjustments are evident.