
Editorial CECAR

Carretera Troncal de Occidente - Kilómetro 1 - Vía a Corozal

Sincelejo, Sucre, Colombia

Tels.: 2804029/2804017 /804018 Ext. 1115


History of the Journal

Procesos Urbanos/PU, is an editorial initiative that was born in 2014, with the support of the Corporación Universitaria del Caribe—CECAR, and is attached to the Faculty of Basic Sciences, Engineering and Architecture, from its Architecture Program and its Research Group Theory and History of Architecture and the City. Since 2019, the Journal has only been published in its electronic version. The Journal, from the year 2020, is published in continuous flow, two issues per year, January-June, and July-December.

Currently he is part of the ARLA Network, Association of Latin American Architecture Journals, from which access to the contents and calls for the publication of Journal Articles are promoted. Also, it is indexed in the following indexing systems and databases and summaries: PKP Index, REDIB, LatinRev, BASE, Livre, Google Scholar.

Likewise, it currently has a web site that is part of the OJS-Open Journal Systems system, which allows open access to its contents and interaction with researchers in different parts of the world.

About this Publication System

Procesos Urbanos is published through the Open Journal Systems (OJS), which is an open source software application for managing and publishing Academic Journals, originally developed and launched by PKP in 2001, to improve access to research . Link to Open Journal Systems (OJS).

Sistema OJS 3 - Metabiblioteca |