How to Cite
Morales-Acosta G. V. (2017). Teaching practice, deaf diversity and communication in special school of the metropolitan, Chile. Búsqueda, 4(18), 86-100.


The purpose of this study was to analyze the teaching and teaching assistant’s practices in the classroom, using sign language with Deaf students enrolled in special education. It is based on the teaching and teaching assistant’s practices (deaf) using the chilenan sign language or in the communicative methods given between a culture listener in construction and recognition of a Deaf culture, used in the education of the Deaf. This is a qualitative study, with a case analysis, school ethnographic method, of a classroom of Deaf students from the eighth grade at a special education school in Santiago de Chile. The results reveal: a) the importance of learning sing language before entering the school system and b) teaching practices with Deaf students are enriched and improved when teachers have advance knowledge of sign language in the subject.



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