Objective: To identify the characteristics of pedagogical planning and its relationship with inclusive educational practices from a competency-based approach. Method: The study was governed by quantitative research methods, with a descriptive scope and a bibliometric approach, following the guidelines of the Prisma method, reviewing the literature available in the Scopus, Dialnet and Scielo databases, for which the documents were searched through an equation with Boolean operators, and inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined, selecting 48 scientific articles between 2014 and 2023. Results: They show a gradual increase in scientific productions related to the topic of study that coincide with the implementation of educational guidelines and policies at the global level in order to achieve the purposes established in the Sustainable Development Goals. The use of the qualitative paradigm in research linked to the object of study is highlighted. Conclusions: The analysis of the information collected allowed establishing that the competency-based approach constitutes the opportunity to dynamize pertinent pedagogical planning favoring the development of inclusive educational practices that guarantee respect for diversity in the classroom.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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