The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationships between communication in the family and family functioning and self-esteem (dimensions familiar and academic) with the consumption of alcohol in school teenagers and family and friend's consumption. Relationships among variables were also analyzed by gender. Participants in the study were 1,245 Mexican adolescents (50, 7% male; mean age 14, 8; and 49, 3% female; mean age 14.2) drawn from secondary schools. It was used a stratified probability sample method considering students’ proportion in school degree, groups and shift. Structural equation model were calculated to analyze the data. Results obtained showed the significant role that plays the communication with parents and the family functioning across the protective self-steem in the consumption of alcohol in adolescents. Also a relation among family and friend’s alcohol consumption and adolescent’s consumption was observed. Finally differences were obtained in relation to the gender.
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