How to Cite
Vergiú Canto J. (2022). Satisfaction of quality of service in the students of the engineering faculties of the Universidad Nacional Mayor of San Marcos, Peru. A look through the SERVQUAL model. Búsqueda, 8(1), e536.


The objective of this research was to diagnose the satisfaction of the Students in relation to the quality of the services, in the Faculties of Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru, based on the quality of service model Servqual de Parasuman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985). It was approached from a realistic ontology, a positivist epistemology and a quantitative approach. The results reflect a low level in the satisfaction of the Students, when the 4 indicators that measure the variable are located with a Service Quality Index (ICS) at minus 1: Teaching and Achievement (Reliability) at -0.48; Student Wellbeing Management (Responsiveness) at -0.46, Classroom Infrastructure Management (Tangible Elements) at -0.66, Soft Skills (Empathy) at -0.15; obtaining an ICG of -1.74. It is concluded that the University under study, as a generating sector of social benefit, must undertake strategic actions that allow raising the ICS to meet the expectations of its Students and become an agent of change and high competitiveness.


Keywords: satisfaction of expectations; service quality index; Service Quality Model Servqual, quality; reliability; responsiveness; tangible elements; empathy; competitiveness.



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