How to Cite
Amaya-López L. F. (2020). The Role of the Family Psycho-Affective Bond in the Transit from Face-to-Face Education to Virtual and Remote Education in the Health Emergency Framework for the Covid-19. Búsqueda, 7(24).


The Family Psycho-Affective Bond is considered a fundamental concept in the social and affective development of the human being, which has been studied by the human sciences with great thoroughness and detail. Similarly, there is a great documentary review of this topic and its relationship with the teaching-learning processes. However, in the praxis of education, the Family Psycho-Affective Bonds take second place and it is the cognitive processes that take on relevance, disarticulating this psychological pair on which the success of training throughout life depends. Therefore, it is noteworthy that the transition from Face-to-Face Education to Virtual and Remote Education, in the context of the Covid-19 Health Emergency that the entire world is experiencing, has been a great challenge for Teachers, Parents, Students and Educational System. However, this situation has forced the school to move to the simplicity of the home, and with it, the essence of Family Psycho-Affective Bonds in pedagogical processes and the involvement of the family in the integral formation of the human being, is retaken. Therefore, this reflective article aims to analyze the importance of the Family Psycho-Affective Bond in the transition from Face-to-Face Education to Virtual and Remote Education, in the framework of the Health Emergency due to the Covid-19 Virus, and the author supports his criteria in the need to articulate —in the Children and Adolescents— the affective processes with the cognitive ones in this new form of education from home, concluding that, this new teaching approach, based on the synchronicity of these two components, opens up the possibility of an educational revolution. Throughout this article, two fundamental positions will be addressed: first, a succinct theoretical explanation of the dysfunctionality of the Family and School Psycho-Affective Bond in Traditional Education is presented. And, on the other hand, the need to reconstruct the Affective Bond in the transition from Face-to-Face Education to Virtual and Remote Education, within the framework of the Health Emergency due to the Covid-19 Virus.


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