How to Cite
González-Herrera I. (2017). Amiotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS): How do social and health professionals face their work with people suffering from ALS?. Búsqueda, 4(19), 131 - 148.


Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease in which neurons called “motoneurons” fail in their function. This failure causes a progressive paralysis of the muscles responsible for mobility, originating an inadequate swallowing, speaking and breathing, among other symptoms. Further, this disease has no cure and the only thing that can be done is mitigate its consequences in an attempt to improve the quality of life of people who suffer it, from different socio-sanitary fields. This article addresses the perception of the coping strategies of the professionals who care for the people affected, their training in those strategies and their professional satisfaction. Thus, from 22 semi-structured interviews conducted with socio-health professionals from the province of Valencia (Spain), a qualitative research of the information obtained has been carried out. The study has identified different coping strategies used by professionals (acceptance, humor and separation, among others) and the way in which these strategies vary according to the role that professionals play in the treatment of the disease. Likewise, it has been shown that the interviewees have significant deficiencies in training for coping, communication with sick people and in the mourning process.



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