How to Cite
Palacio-Sañudo J. E., Caballero-Domínguez C. C., & Suárez-Colorado Y. P. (2017). A review of longitudinal designs for studying academic burnout (2010 -2016). Búsqueda, 4(18), 72-85.


There is limited evidence about the longitudinal study of academic burnout, research design necessary to deepen the nature of the syndrome, in terms of establishment, development and extinction. Through a bibliometric study, descriptive-retrospective, a review of longitudinal studies was carried out between 2010-2106, to study burnout in secondary and university students. It asked in the Databases Science direct, Scopus and PubMed, with key words such as: academic, burnout, longitudinal. Of a universe of 4655 articles, they identify 15, but only seven are in open access, and are described. The results show that the longitudinal designs have been published more in the magazine Med teach, and the authors who use this design most are Noh, Lee, tarts, Walkiewiichz, Majkowicz, during the years 2012 and 2015, in samples of Korea and the United States. The burnout inventory at school was the most widely used instrument. The results show a syndrome that increases over time, but can be reduced with clinical intervention.



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