How to Cite
Quero-Díaz S.-A., Mendoza-Pérez L.-O., & Hernández J.-L. (2022). Management of educational environmental projects. Búsqueda, 9(1), e599.


Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the management of the development of environmental projects in the educational system. The study was based on the theoretical contributions of Burgwal (2005), Cerda (2007), Serna (2008), Tobasura and Sepúlveda (2001), among others. Method: The study was analytical, descriptive and non-experimental, in its design it was descriptive and field cross-sectional. Results: Among the results, it stands out that the respondents revealed differences in the detection of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. In addition, the guidelines developed form three operational ideas that relate to the aspects of definition, distribution and allocation of resources. Conclusion: By diagnosing the current state of the management of environmental programs, it is possible to determine the institutional interest in said programs and the availability of human capital, as well as the commitment of the State. This has not been effectively implemented in the problem identification process. When characterizing the managerial orientation, the interests of the person in charge are moderately directed and directed. In the description of the organizational arrangement, the realities of educational institutions appear at a low level, because the resource mobilization process is identified. When identifying different types of commitments, it became clear that the project implementation and evaluation process did not receive the necessary support at a higher level.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


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