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Pinazo-Hernandis S., & Poveda Puente R. (2015). Innovation for active aging in the european union. Analysis of the ambient assisted living joint programme (aal) program for the period 2008-2015. Búsqueda, 2(15), 38-50.


Products and services focused on people, designed and selected taking into account the needs, characteristics of users and their capabilities can facilitate independent living to all people with or without functional limitations. The Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL) is an example about how the development of ICT can be focused to enable older people to remain at home as long as possible autonomously and independently. Based on the Paradigm of Active Ageing we have known and analyzed the different projects in the AAL Programme (2008-2015) about the development of assistive technologies and support for elderly people, depending on the types of projects funded and the development area, Our goals were: to analyse possitive evaluated projects and reflect about the future of ICT to promote active ageing. Method. Beginning with a in-depht reading about call’s goals and through a grilled analysis, two trained experts reviewed the levels of proximity between AAL calls and Active Ageing model. Results.   The proyects reviewed were aimed at health promotion and autonomous activity, and health monitoring   in areas such as social inclusion, prevention, monitoring, detection, and supervision. There were also projects aimed at promoting participation, others focused on safety, and others taking into account all areas as a whole. Conclusions. This article shows the diversity of AAL projects focused on ICTs to promote independent life and active ageing. We are convinced that professionals need to know the amount of projects developped around European Union and the importance of connecting with professionals and elderly people for an increase of research and innovation involved in this area.



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