How to Cite
Carlos Vides-Buelvas A., Del Carmen-Hernández Y., & Aníbal-Sierra J. (2024). Aplicativo Móvil para el Fortalecimiento de la Lectura Crítica: Versión Alfa. Búsqueda, 11(1), e696.


Objective: Strengthen critical reading skills in high school students, belonging to a public institution in Colombia, through a techno-pedagogical strategy mediated by a mobile application. Method: The research was structured based on the quantitative approach, pre-experimental type and pre-test/post-test investigative design with a single group. The study sample was 16 tenth grade students, to whom two instruments were applied; in the pretest phase it was the Saber 11th Critical Reading Test Question Booklet, an instrument validated and used by the ICFES; In the post-test phase, the Critical Reading Test for 10th grade students from the Ministry of National Education of Colombia (2022) was used to evaluate said competence after implementing the strategy. Results: Among the main results, it was found that, in the pretest phase, the students presented insufficient reading levels; and in the post-test phase they reached satisfactory and advanced reading levels. Conclusions: After the validation of the hypotheses, it is concluded that there is statistically significant evidence that the implementation of the techno-pedagogical strategy did contribute to improving the reading levels of the students.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


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