How to Cite
Cortés-Zapata E., & Álvarez-Posada J. (2022). Cognitive narrative psychotherapy in a case of a prototypical configuration of depressive meaning organization. Búsqueda, 9(2), e636.


Introduction: Cognitive-narrative psychotherapy is one of the last short psychotherapies of the cognitive paradigm; this approach of the constructivist model gathers an episteme under four central concepts: existence as intentionality, knowledge as a process of active decoding or meaning, narrative as the logic of existence and culture as an interpersonal process. Objective: To assess the efficiency of the therapeutic process based on cognitive-narrative psychotherapy from the constructivist model. Method: The methodology consisted of a case study of 22 sessions each one hour, once a week. Results: The results show that the person is more coherent in his narrative structure and movement, a more complex narrative process and a more flexible narrative content; that is, that he can live creatively, building their expertise on its complexity and possibilities. Conclusions: The short cognitive-narrative psychotherapy of the cognitive paradigm shows great effectiveness against the prototypical configuration of organization of the depressive meaning of the patient.


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