The use of technology in everyday life in contemporary society has become a tool of great importance, also bringing with it concern about harmful behaviors in their respective use, with a tendency to abuse or addiction. Vulnerability to this behavior is observed in young people, due to exposure from an early age and lack of awareness. Objective: to systematize information derived from empirical studies carried out during the last 5 years on psychosocial factors associated with the risk of addition to technological means. Method: the study of qualitative approach, descriptive level and systematic bibliographic review method, including as a sample 21 articles, began the review methodology based on the PRISMA criteria. Results: The emerging categories identified from the analysis were: behavioral characteristics, personality traits, social context characteristics and sociodemographic variables, psychopathological traits, self-esquemas (self-esteem, self-control, self-efficacy)life skills, social and socio-emotional skills, early maladaptive schemes and attachment, life satisfaction. Conclusions: the need to implement preventive measures in family and school environments from an early age in order to reduce the risk of technoaddiction is evident.
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