To determine the effectiveness of interdisciplinarity between Physical Education and Natural Sciences on improving learning in third grade girls basic education is the essential element on which this research is conducted, being interdisciplinarity term the one that is applied in education field to the scientific work that requires methodologically at least two disciplines; it provides new teaching strategies at the service of teachers and teaching-learning process focusing in the interaction between subjects. Physical Education and natural science maintain a relationship in certain teaching contents facilitating interdisciplinarity between them, for this purpose we worked with a control group which were developed interdisciplinary classes and a contrast group who worked under the normal scheme of the institution; being a qualitative - quantitative research in which it develops under the quasi-experimental method, evaluated from the conceptual, psychomotor, social and emotional. Allowing conclude the connection model posed by Fogarty, applied between physical education and natural sciences allows meaningful learning of these disciplines improving grade point average in 1.1 points by developing integrated knowledge through interdisciplinary units.
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