How to Cite
Aníbal Sierra J. J., & Espinosa Cabrera C. C. (2021). Predominant Cyberbullying Practices in 10th and 11th Grade Students of a Private Educational Institution. Búsqueda, 8(2), e559.


The present investigation had the objective of determining the predominant Cyberbullying practices in students of 10th and 11th grade of an educational institution of the private sector of the municipality of Chinú-Colombia, in the year 2021. Regarding the methodological aspect, it was a study under the quantitative approach, non-experimental design, cross-sectional and descriptive-comparative scope. As the population subject to study, all the 10th and 11th grade students of the Jean Piaget Campestre High School are used, giving a total of 55 students, to whom the European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (ECIPQ) scale was applied. which is adapted to the Colombian context, and is made up of 22 items that have a Likert scale response system. The items are divided equally to identify cases of cyber-victimization and cyber-aggression. Within the main results it is obtained that the most predominant cyber-bullying practices of which the students were victims, are direct insults to their person; indirect insults, that is, they spoke ill of them with other people, the theft of personal accounts on social networks; the impersonation of identity with false profiles; being ignored and excluded; and, finally, the spread of false rumors against them. The most prevalent cyber-aggression practices carried out by the students were linked to insulting other people, speaking ill of other people with third parties, impersonating other people through the creation of false profiles on social networks, ignoring or excluding someone and lastly, spreading false information and rumors about other people.


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