Objective. This research aimed to determine the relationship between social cognition and language, in a sample of minors diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder from the DINA Institute (Integral Development of Children with Autism) and a control group from the city of Manizales. Method. This research is quantitative, with a quasi-experimental design and a correlational scope. The type of sample is non-probabilistic for the convenience of 78 participants: 39 children, diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder in grade one and 39 children from the control group, aged between 6 and 16 years. Result. There are statistically significant correlations between the tests. However, the correlation coefficient in all of them is at a low level (C.C<0.3) or moderate (0.3<C.C.<0.7). Conclusion. Although in the analysis of the tests the correlation index is not significant, it is necessary to continue in this line of research, since in the reality of children it is evident how language plays a role in cognition. social, which is why the choice of tests and other intervening variables must be considered.
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