How to Cite
Martínez-Callado M. D., Pinazo-Hernandis S., Sales-Galán A., & Pinazo-Clapés C. (2020). Reminiscence and Adaptive Variables in Older People. Búsqueda, 7(25), e509.


Objective. The purpose of this review is to know and summarize the evidence on the effectiveness of reminiscence therapy in different adaptive variables, published in scientific journals in the last 5 years. Method. The search for relevant information was carried out using the Web of Science, Current Contents Connect, Derwent Innovations Index, KCI-Korean Journal Database, Medline and Russina Science Index, and Google Scholar databases. After a first search of 1689 studies, 13 studies that followed the design criteria set by the researchers were finally reviewed. Results. The results show us that most of the research is carried out in the community. The most widely considered variables are quality of life and psychological well-being. In addition, reminiscence therapy connects older people’s past experiences, allowing them to relate and share their life stories, gain emotional support, and alleviate negative emotions, depression, and loneliness. Conclusions. The functions of reminiscence are relevant in old age. This work could be relevant to motivate research and intervention on the topic of reminiscence and its potential benefits in improving anxiety, depressive symptoms, cognitive skills, psychological well-being, life satisfaction, quality of life, social commitment, adaptive capacity, resilience, and meaning of life, favoring integrity, and obtaining positive health benefits in older people.


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