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Rada-Luna R.-J., Arroyo-Alvis K.-E., Hoyos-Cordoba L.-M., & Ramírez-Giraldo A.-F. (2017). Prenatal and perinatal factors associated with the iq in children from three to six years of the neighborhood Uribe Uribe ward that assists children’s homes in the city of Sincelejo (Sucre). Búsqueda, 4(19), 191 - 207.


The objective of this investigation was to determine the relationship between prenatal and perinatal factors with the intellectual coefficient (IQ) in children of the Uribe Uribe neighborhood of Sincelejo. The methodology of this investigation was of a quantitative paradigm, of observational type and correlational level; constituted by a sample of 43 boys and girls aged three to six years old, who attend children’s homes divided into two groups: the group one with CI less than seventy and the two with an IQ greater than seventy. We also had the participation of their mothers. The instruments were the Maternal Perinatal Risk Questionnaire (CMRP), and the WPPSI-IV, to evaluate IQ in children. The results of the study revealed that there is no significant statistical difference with the variables studied between the groups evaluated. It was concluded that no association is presented in reference to prenatal and perinatal factors with IC in boys and girls in Sincelejo.



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